Air Fryer Potato Chips


2 large russet potatoes
1 tablespoon Canola oil
Salt to taste


Wash potatoes and dry them. Slice them into thin circles. If you have a mandolin that is perfect to use so you get even slices.
Place sliced potatoes into cold water. I add some ice to the water, so it is very cold. Let them sit in the water for 30 minutes.
Using a colendar, drain the water from the potatoes and rinse with cold water. Lay the potatoes out in a single layer on a baking sheet or cutting board. Use towels or paper towels to dry the potatoes. You want them to be very dry.
Pre-Heat air fryer to 350°F. Place potatoes in a large bowl and add oil. Mix well.
You will cook these in batches. Add a single layer of the potato slices into the air fryer. Try not to overlap. Cook for 8-10 minutes (check them after 8 minutes. You don’t want them to burn). Next, flip the slices over, up the temperature to 375°F and cook for another 3 minutes to let them crisp up. Repeat until all the slices are cooked.
Add salt and serve!! You can add garlic or parmesan cheese to change up the flavor.


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