Vegetable Lasagna with White Sauce

If you are interested in using all of your garden vegetables, you should try the Vegetable lasagna with white sauce. It is an irresistible tasty use of your veggies. Lasagna noodles, garden vegetables, béchamel sauce, and cheese are utilized in the layering of this loaded cheese vegetarian lasagna.

You can make even every kind of lasagna perfectly, but it requires some more effort than cooking simple pasta noodles. But the taste of this vegetable lasagna expresses that it is really worth it.

The white sauce used in the preparation of lasagna is thick, and creamy, and holds everything together. This prepared white sauce is full of flavors inherited from parmesan cheese.

You are definitely going to long for this lasagna. All the vegetables are perfectly cooked. You will absolutely enjoy the combination in this delicious Vegetable lasagna with white sauce.

After eating this vegetable recipe, you are never going to desire frozen lasagna. Here we explained an easy recipe for you, to cook a masterpiece even on your first attempt.

Vegetable Lasagna with White Sauce

Ingredients required for making vegetable lasagna

If you are going to make Vegetable lasagna with white sauce, you need these ingredients

  • 4 spoons of olive oil
  • One and a half cups of cottage cheese
  • Chopped broccoli 2 cups
  • 1 medium diced zucchini one cup
  • 3 medium minced garlic cloves
  • Half a teaspoon of fine sea salt
  • 8 ounces of fresh spinach
  • A can of drained whole-kernel corn
  • A medium yellow onion diced about one cup
  • Half a cup of parmesan cheese
  • Two and a half cups of mozzarella cheese
  • 12 lasagna noodles, prepare it according to packaging or use oven ready

For white sauce

  • Dried parsley 2 tablespoons
  • ¼ cup of butter
  • Ground black pepper about 1 teaspoon
  • Half cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • Dried parsley about one teaspoon
  • 3 and a half cups of whole milk
  • Italian seasonings one teaspoon

Recipe of Vegetable lasagna with white sauce

If you follow the procedure as explained by us, you can definitely enjoy the amazing lasagna dish. Just follow the recipe explained below

  1. Set the temperature of the oven to 375 and pre-heat it.
  2. Slightly grease the dish and place the thick paper in a medium bowl.
  3. Heat the skillet over medium temperature, add one tablespoon of salt, and oil. Now add the chopped spinach and cook it. Transfer it into paper lined bowl, when gets cooked.

Tip: Placing of paper will absorb liquid from cook vegetables

  1. Add olive oil to the skillet, add onion and cook it for 3 minutes. Now put garlic and cook it for at least one minute. This cooking will result in fragrance.
  2. Add the chopped broccoli after adding one more spoonful of oil. Cook for 4 minutes and add zucchini, sea salt, and canned corn. Stir it for 3 minutes.
  3. Now remove extra water from Spanish by squeezing the paper towel. Put in the skillet with other veggies.
  4. Change the lining of the paper towel and now add cooked vegetables to the prepared medium.

Quick Guide!!!

How to prepare white sauce?

In the skillet add the butter on medium heat and allow it to melt. Add the flour and whisk it until roux is formed. During continuous whisking slowly add milk to the solution. Whisking should be continued until you reach a flat consistency. Now add onion powder, dried parsley, shredded parmesan cheese, ground black pepper, and Italian seasoning. Stir the solution and mix it properly. Boil it until the solution gets thickened and whisk for 4 minutes. Remove the prepared white sauce for lasagna from the flame.

  • Remove as much excess water from the vegetables as possible with the help of paper towels. Remove the paper towel in such a way the vegetables remain in the same bowl.
  • Put the cottage cheese and mix it properly with vegetables.
  • Now, as all ingredients are fully prepared the assembling is to get started. Place a cup of white sauce in the bottom of the greased dish. Place the vegetable lasagna noodles on the sauce according to space.

Tip: you can cut a lasagna noodle in half in order to leave no space.

  • Spread the cottage cheese and vegetable mixture on the noodles. Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese on the vegetables.
  • On the cheese, layer spread the sauce, then noodles mixture of vegetables, and again spread the remaining white sauce and also add mozzarella and parmesan cheese.
  • Use the aluminum foil to cover the dish and place it in the preheated oven. Bake this dish for 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake it for another 25 minutes. Now remove it from the oven and put it aside. Let it rest for at least 10 minutes before serving.

The bottom line

The best use of your vegetables is this Vegetable lasagna with white sauce. The appearance is amazing and the taste is craving. This dish does not require that much effort and is absolutely amazing. It is the best dish to serve to your veg guests.

They are definitely going to praise your work. The white sauce gives this dish plenty of flavor. You can try this dish today and get amazing results by just following our recipe.


Is there any difference between béchamel and white sauce?

No! both sauces are the same. The other name of béchamel sauce is white sauce as it is prepared with butter, milk, and all-purpose flour.

How can I check if the lasagna is done?

You are able to test whether your lasagna is done or not by inserting a fork. If this goes inside without any hesitation, your vegetable lasagna with white sauce is done and perfect for eating.

How should I serve lasagna whether hot or cold?

Lasagna can be served in both ways. But when serve in the cold state, all the items get assembled properly. In the case of hot vegetable lasagna, the ingredients use to slip continuously. That is why it is preferred to rest the lasagna after removing it from the oven.

Vegetable Lasagna with White Sauce

Vegetable Lasagna

  • 4 spoons of olive oil
  • One and a half cups of cottage cheese
  • Chopped broccoli 2 cups
  • 1 medium diced zucchini one cup
  • 3 medium minced garlic cloves
  • Half a teaspoon of fine sea salt
  • 8 ounces of fresh spinach
  • A can of drained whole kernel corn
  • A medium yellow onion diced about one cup
  • Half a cup of parmesan cheese
  • Two and a half cups of mozzarella cheese
  • 12 lasagna noodles, prepare it according to packaging or use oven ready

White Sauce

  • Dried parsley 2 tablespoons
  • ¼ cup of butter
  • Ground black pepper about 1 teaspoon
  • Half cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • Dried parsley about one teaspoon
  • 3 and a half cups of whole milk
  • Italian seasonings one teaspoon
  1. Set the temperature of oven to 375 and pre-heat it.

  2. Slightly grease the dish and place thick paper in a medium bowl.

  3. Heat the skillet over medium temperature, add one tablespoon of salt, and oil. Now add the chopped spinach and cook it. Transfer it into paper lined bowl, when gets cooked.

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